Ashlyn thinks it's hilarious to walk around with things on her head.
Lambie...a little white stuffed animal that has become Ashlyn's sleeping addiction.
This week we inherited the cutest little chiminea from a friend of ours. Jaedyn was totally stoked about the idea of having a "small" fire on our patio. It started off fine and dandy and then within about 10 minutes of trying to get it going it turned into a giant blaze that we feared was going to start the next San Diego Rob quickly put it out much to Jaedyn's disappointment.
To say that Jaedyn was excited, is an absolute understatement. This guy LOVES fire.
And Ashlyn seeing Jaedyn's excitement now loves fire too...awesome.. two piro's in the family.
For a fun treat we decided to go to the zoo on Saturday, but this time Dad came. We always go during the week without him so this was a big treat for the kids!
While putting our futon back together one day Ashlyn decided that playing on the mattress would be the best way to try out her super woman flying skills. I went back and forth between fearing for the worst as she dove off of the top of the mattress and laughing my head off at her little body sailing through the air.
She also decided that running down the slope would be fun. I still can't believe that she actually ran down all the way to the bottom without falling. Her little legs were moving about a hundred miles an hour. Jaedyn wasn't so much into the diving..he was testing out his jumping moves.
And back to Sea World for some fun...
(Note to may want to skip these next couple of pictures) :)
At Sea World they have a moving escalator which is surrounded by a pool of swimming sharks. They are swimming next to you and above you...this guy was above us. Terrible quality, but so creepy!
This past Saturday we ventured out to Hurkey Creek Park to go camping with a bunch of peeps from our Church. The campsite was about an hour and a half north east of us just in the San Bernardino Mountains. Rob and I have been wanting to go camping with the kids and we finally were able to give it a shot! It was a successful camping trip with lots of fun, great sleepers, and a whole lot of dirt. Now that we know that Jaedyn and Ashlyn will sleep in a tent with us we're up for lots more camping trips!
We pretty much couldn't squeeze another thing in our car...I think Ashlyn was wondering what on earth we were doing.
A swing that Ashlyn (who was very much in need of a nap here ) used a lot, thanks to the Gharsts.
There's a very good chance that we have the oldest and most difficult tent to set up in America. 12 years old with no directions and a very non-traditional pole attachment system. Kudos to Rob for keeping his patience and not setting it on fire during the very long process of setting it up.
A little classical guitar and trail mix snack while Ashlyn was taking a nap.
So thankful that Ashlyn LOVES to be in the backpack. She was ready for a hike! :)
The Gharsts who had already been there since Friday afternoon brought us to a super fun spot where we got our nice little tootsies wet while Jaedyn and Lilly got their white little buns wet.
Lilly and Ashlyn were getting a bit antsy so we left Rob and Jaedyn to play in the river all by themselves.
After a chicken/apple sausage, corn on the cob, and potato dinner we all gathered in a field to sing worship songs and hear a message from our Pastor.
We then made our way back to our site to roast some more marshmallows...
After a VERY chilly night we woke up and had some cream cheese bagels around a fire for breakfast.