Thursday, January 13, 2011

Stop Drop and Roll

We went on a tour of a local fire station this week with our Church playgroup. I got a little nervous when the first event was sitting in the classroom for a little fire safety question and answer session. I was picturing small toddlers climbing out of the seats, fussing and not wanting to give the fire fighter the time of day. However I was pleasantly surprised when pretty much all the kids sat and listened without making a peep.

Lilly Gharst was the only volunteer for the stop, drop and roll demonstration.

One of the guys got all suited up to send a message to the kids that even though he looked scary, he's actually your friend.

Possibly my favorite part....watching Jaedyn get super excited about his reflection which doubled the size of his head. So funny.

1 comment:

  1. I think Lilly thoroughly disagreed with the "may look scarey but still your friend" part!!
