Friday, April 23, 2010

Meet Giovanni Russo: Guinea Pig #1

Most of you know that I love to take pictures! I was thrilled this past weekend when someone at our Church grabbed me and asked me if I would take pictures of her little boy who just turned 2. Having only taken pictures of Jaedyn and Ashlyn, I was quite nervous on one hand but so excited and really flattered on the other. Our little photo shoot lasted about 15 minutes after this little burst of energy got totally soaked in a nearby fountain, but I had a blast and was pretty happy with the results. Here are a few of my favorites....


  1. These are great! Did you get some new lenses?!

  2. Thanks my friends! :0)
    Katester...I did get a new lens. I took all of them with my macro (which I wasn't planning on doing).
