Monday, September 14, 2009

From the mouth of a 3 year old......

I wanted to write these statements down because they totally cracked me up. Jaedyn makes me laugh pretty much on a weekly basis. Here are a couple of moments that I loved from this past week.

While we were shopping for a car Jaedyn had to use the restroom. So I took him while Rob haggled away with the salesman. We entered the bathroom, opened the door and Jaedyn exclaimed with great excitement. and enthusiasm....."Look Mom, they have a yellow potty here!!!!!!!!!! " (yellow because it was about 400 years old).

And a conversation that we had while driving the Subaru which sounds more like we are driving in a giant tanker than a little blue car.

Jaedyn: Mom, this car is so loud! We need to fix it.
Me: You are right, Jaedyn it IS loud. Well, who is going to fix it?
Jaedyn: Daddy is going to fix it because he has money.
Me: Oh, and where does Daddy get all of his money?
Jaedyn: Daddy works really hard so he has money.
Me: Jaedyn, do I have any money?
Jaedyn: No, just Daddy.
Me: So, do I have a job?
Jaedyn: No, just Daddy works.


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