Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Smores, a crystal clear creek and brilliant stars...what's better than that?

This past Saturday we ventured out to Hurkey Creek Park to go camping with a bunch of peeps from our Church. The campsite was about an hour and a half north east of us just in the San Bernardino Mountains. Rob and I have been wanting to go camping with the kids and we finally were able to give it a shot! It was a successful camping trip with lots of fun, great sleepers, and a whole lot of dirt. Now that we know that Jaedyn and Ashlyn will sleep in a tent with us we're up for lots more camping trips!

We pretty much couldn't squeeze another thing in our car...I think Ashlyn was wondering what on earth we were doing.

A swing that Ashlyn (who was very much in need of a nap here ) used a lot, thanks to the Gharsts.

There's a very good chance that we have the oldest and most difficult tent to set up in America. 12 years old with no directions and a very non-traditional pole attachment system. Kudos to Rob for keeping his patience and not setting it on fire during the very long process of setting it up.

A little classical guitar and trail mix snack while Ashlyn was taking a nap.

So thankful that Ashlyn LOVES to be in the backpack. She was ready for a hike! :)

The Gharsts who had already been there since Friday afternoon brought us to a super fun spot where we got our nice little tootsies wet while Jaedyn and Lilly got their white little buns wet.

Lilly and Ashlyn were getting a bit antsy so we left Rob and Jaedyn to play in the river all by themselves.

After a chicken/apple sausage, corn on the cob, and potato dinner we all gathered in a field to sing worship songs and hear a message from our Pastor.

We then made our way back to our site to roast some more marshmallows...

After a VERY chilly night we woke up and had some cream cheese bagels around a fire for breakfast.

Goodbye Hurkey Creek!

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